Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy 2009

Good Gravy!

With all the running around the holiday season provides for us...taking kids to other mom and other dad, running to pick them up at the drop of someone else's hat, shopping and celebrating and santa, Ward Christmas breakfasts and sledding...I thought I might skip Christmas for the time being, and enlighten everyone about how we celebrated New Years. (Which I am convinced is only a holiday because the kids need another excuse to stay awake)...So here goes!

My rotten little pug, Manny (Full name: Lord Manning of Copper Hills) ate a whole pound of holiday M & M's. Thrilled at this discovery, I got to induce vomiting. (Not to bad, but the results were horrible). Four hours of carpet scrubbing later, he was done and I was exhausted. (No ill effects. Now that I know how to make them urp I will never lose another dog to chocolate poisoning).

Reed picked up 3 of our kids on his way home from work, more than happy that he missed the chocolate adventure. Expecting my little brother and his family for dinner, we readied the kids and the house.

When the cousins arrived we had the usual chaos of getting everyone in and dry and warm, and somehow someone with their arms full tripped over a toddler and fell against the front door, which slammed open hard, and the doorknob went right through the front of our 55 gallon aquarium. Water everywhere. Everyone scrambled to catch water, fish, grab towels, the wet dry vacuum and get the rugs off the floor.

Hours later, with the worst of it cleaned up, and our fish all safely deposited in my sister's aquarium in Heber, every muscle in my torso, my arms, my shoulders...on fire! The pain was so incredible that I threw up all night. (Didn't pass out once! I was rather pleased with myself about that).

...In closing I've decided I don't like fish, chocolate, or New Years Eve. I resent mess and unplanned indoor pools. Next year, I fully intend to spend this particular holiday safely encompassed in the comforter on my bed.

Happy New Year!!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, at least it was a memorable one, right? Someday, you will be able to laugh at this...someday way, way, way far in the future. ;)

Bertha Broadbottom said...

Memorable, yes! And I'm already laughing about it. The next day the dog ate a pack of gum. The kids laughed and said he'll blow bubbles when he farts. Sometimes it is so hard to look stern and authoritative and not laugh out loud when I should be telling them that's not really appropriate.