Sunday, January 4, 2009

Santas Magic Snowball

The boys have tried and tried to catch a glimpse of various holiday and special occasion characters. Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy (or Tooth Master), have all been waited for. No pictures or captures have ever resulted, but the boys swear to a very close call with Santa...

...Apparently, if you wait up to catch Santa in the act of delivering presents, and he can't wait any longer for sleep to overtake you...or you wake while he's already down the chimney...he carries with him a magic snowball that contains sparkling sleep enhanced ice crystals. Santa, seeing all and having already checked on behavior, takes aim and when the magical snow ball hits you in the face, you're suddenly asleep.

When you wake in the morning you have memories of the sound of bells jingling, but all you remember seeing is a snowball flying straight at your face! (The boys have decided that it has superior "stay on target" power...because Santa throws it before you can see him and it must be able to take corners and change directions without interference).

Magic snowballs, Easter Bunny's with Ninja stealth, Tooth Fairies with colored tutu's or manly togas...boys are so weird!

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