Monday, November 10, 2008

'Tis The Season

I've had sick kids for a week. Nathan missed 3 days last week. On Thursday I had him, Gabriel, Michael and Darrian home sick. Today all the boys are robust and at school, and I have Crystal draped in a blanket on the couch beside me. She has a fever and is busy burning up.

Matthew is as mad at me as he's ever been because he wants to be sick and stay home too. I took his temperature this morning, and he howled in frustration when I told him he isn't sick. "96.9 perfectly normal for you, little man, so hurry and get ready for school."

"But it's not fair that Crystal gets to stay home and I don't! I never get to do anything I want!"

I reminded him, sensibly, about the pneumonia he had earlier this year, Crystal didn't get that, did she?...So he isn't that left out...

"But I didn't get to stay home from school! Why can't I get something with a fever?"

I give up! All the hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes and vitamin c that I use for their behalf, and he wants to be sick...I'd like germ free bubbles to keep them isolated from all that is dirty and dangerous...and they'd complain that someone elses has more air, or a better bounce.

Besides, if they get bubbles, I want a padded cell, and an extra straight jacket to keep me warm!


Anonymous said...

Oo, can I have one of those padded cells too?
Sorry your kids have been sick, that's never any fun. (although it apparently seems fun for the kid who doesn't get sick. Let him clean up the puke and then see how much fun it is. :)

Bertha Broadbottom said...

My Kids are messed up...they think that washing walls and scrubbing floors is fun, but somehow I don't think they'd manage the puke. Nothing like a truly horrible mess to start a chain reaction!